
HI-Q technology has been developed and designed in our Nello Bonini Innovation Hub to solve the issue of nutrition deficiencies in a more efficient way. The production process is completely managed internally and automatized, to ensure traceability and to guarantee the highest quality of the output.

In the HI-Q range, micronutrients are mixed with our PSP, obtained through enzymatic hydrolysis of vegetal-derived proteins. The goal of the range is to solve micronutrient deficiencies providing at the same time a strong biostimulant effect.

HI-Q is a very complete range of products, in liquid form, suitable for foliar application, featuring calcium, zinc, manganese, potassium and some complexes like zinc-manganese, boron-molybdenum, calcium-boron, calcium-magnesium and magnesium-sulfur to satisfy the needs of a wide range of crops and specific requests of farmers.

HI-Q range will be available soon, if you want to have more information, please contact us.